Kodi is a Tamil political thriller film written and directed by R. S. Durai Senthilkumar and produced by Dhanush, their third collaboration after Ethir Neechal and Kakki Sattai. The film features Dhanush in dual roles alongside Trisha and Anupama Parameshwaran.
The film's music will be composed by Santhosh Narayanan, the cinematography and editing is handled by Venkatesh S and Praveen K. L. respectively.
The project was first announced during August 2015, when Dhanush revealed that he would produce and act in Durai Senthilkumar's next film, after he finished his ongoing commitments. Dhanush revealed that the film would be a political thriller and that he would appear in dual roles as two brothers.
Shriya Saran was first selected as the heroine by Dhanush but she couldn't allot dates for the film. Vidya Balan was first approached for negative role in the film, but did not agree to do the film. Trisha was signed as the female lead of the film. She will be dubbing in her own voice for the film. Her character has said to have some negative shades.
After unsuccessful negotiations with Rakul Preet Singh, who could not allot the dates, Shamili was signed on to portray the second leading female role.Shamili however became unwell during the shoot of the film and as a result of Dhanush's tight schedule, the makers chose to replace her.
Madonna Sebastian was initially reported to have signed the film, before Anupama Parameshwaran was confirmed as the lead actress.
Initially scheduled to start shoot in early December 2015, plans were delayed as a result of the 2015 South Indian floods and the schedule was delayed by two weeks. Subsequently the team held an official launch on 11 December 2015. Shooting started on 5 January 2016 and got wrappped on March 1st, 2016.
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